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Showing posts from August, 2018


VOCABULARY ETYMOLOGY (ALL PARTS COMBINED) VOCABULARY SERIES In this series some important words will be given with etymology (root words) Knowing roots can help you in memorizing the words more easily. You can remember the words making small groups. If you are able to remember any words from each group, you will be able to remember others with just a simple idea of the root word. Part 1 AC/ACR : Sharp, Bitter E.g.- Acid- something that is sharp, sour or ill natured   Acute - sharp at the end; ending in a point Acrid - sharp or biting to the taste or smell Acrimonious -caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature (ill-tempered)    Exacerbate - to increase bitterness or violence; aggravate Al/ALI/ALTER : other, another E.g.- Alternative - a possible choice Alias - an assumed name; another Alien -born in another country Alter ego - the second self; a substitute or deputy *Altruist - a person unselfishly concern about the welfare of others *Alleg


VOCABULARY SERIES (ETYMOLOGY) PART 2                            Learn how to deal with etymology and you will feel comfortable with words you will use. You will be able to figure out thousands of words even if you never heard or read about them. That’s why the best approach to the new words is learning etymology. ANTE: Before Anterior - placed before Antecedent - going before Antedate - precede in time Antebellum -before the war (especially the American civil war) Antediluvian - belonging to the period before the biblical period; very old ANTHRO/ANDR : man, human Anthropology - the science that deals with origins of mankind Android -robot or mechanical man Misanthrope -one who hates humans or mankind Philanderer- one who carries on flirtations Androgynous - being both male and female Androgen -any substances that promotes masculine characters Anthropocentric - regarding man as the central fact of the universe ANTI : against Antibod

important vocabulary for SSC

VOCABULARY SERIES In this series some important words will be given with etymology (root words) Knowing roots can help you in memorizing the words more easily. You can remember the words making small groups. If you are able to remember any words from each group, you will be able to remember others with just a simple idea of the root word. Part 1 AC/ACR : Sharp, Bitter E.g.- Acid- something that is sharp, sour or ill natured   Acute - sharp at the end; ending in a point Acrid - having an strong and bitter taste (biting, peppery, pungent) Acrimonious -caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature (ill-tempered)    Exacerbate - to increase bitterness or violence; aggravate (enhance, promote or increase)        e.g.- the forest fire was exacerbated by the lack of rain. Al/ALI/ALTER : other, another E.g.- Alternative - a possible choice Alias - an assumed name; another (Pseudonym,nickname)(bengali-orof) Alien -born in another country Alter ego - th

female foeticide, a social evil ( essay for SSC CHSL and SSC CGL )

Female foeticide Female foeticide takes place when a foetus is aborted after it is determined to be female. Under thid illegal practice, the sex of the unborn child is determined by using ultrasound and if it happened to be a female foetus, it is aborted through medicine or surgery. It is one of the most rampant social evils in the country rooted in the patriarchal mindset where boys are preferred over girls for various irrational reasons, not only in rural but in urban areas too. To carry forward the generation, families in general prefer the birth of sons over daughters. The male child id also desired by a Hindu family to perform the last rites of the father. In the absence of whom, it is believed the father would not attain salvation after death. In most traditional conservative families, a girl child is more or less considered a liability or a burden due to the frequent demands of huge sum of money in the form of dowry at the time of marriage.   To stop this evil practic


SCO summit The 18 th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit was held Jun 9-10 in Qingdao, China . India’s participation in the summit has revived the debate over the usefulness of this membership for the country’s foreign policy, economic development, security goals and Sino-Indian relation. The question has been debated since 2009, when India and Pakistan attended the Yekaterinburg summit as observers, and India showed interest in joining the SCO.   It was in June last year at the SCO summit in Astana, Kazakhstan, that India and Pakistan became full members of the china led grouping. Participating in the SCO as full members provides an opportunity for improving relations. The SCO charter is aimed at promoting peace and regional co-operation and all member states must abide by the Charter’s clauses. It is expected to bring about a positive change in the countries’ attitudes towards each other. This year’s summit was the first for India and Pakistan as full members

A moderate level question of floor management (banking)

floor base seating arrangement Eight persons D,E,F,G,I,J and K live in a building, not necessarily in the same order. There are eight floors in that building and only one person lives on each floor. the ground floor of the building is numbered one and the floor above it is numbered eight. Only two persons live between the floors on which F and J live respectively. K lives immediately above the floor on which E lives. Only one person lives between the floors on which F and G  live respectively. G lives below the floor on which H lives. Only one person lives between the floors on which H and I live respectively. F lives on the floor numbered three. H lives above the floor on which I lives. questions- 1- how many floors are there between the floors on which E and H live respectively?  1) one 2) three 3)none 4)two 5)more than three 2- who lives on topmost floor ?