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In this series some important words will be given with etymology (root words)

Knowing roots can help you in memorizing the words more easily. You can remember the words making small groups. If you are able to remember any words from each group, you will be able to remember others with just a simple idea of the root word.

Part 1

AC/ACR: Sharp, Bitter
Acid- something that is sharp, sour or ill natured 
Acute- sharp at the end; ending in a point
Acrid- sharp or biting to the taste or smell
Acrimonious-caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature (ill-tempered)  
Exacerbate- to increase bitterness or violence; aggravate

Al/ALI/ALTER: other, another
Alternative- a possible choice
Alias- an assumed name; another
Alien-born in another country
Alter ego- the second self; a substitute or deputy
*Altruist- a person unselfishly concern about the welfare of others
*Allegory- figurative treatment of one subject in the disguise of another (metaphor)

AM: Love
Amateur- a person who engages in an activity for pleasure rather than financial or professional gain
Amiable- having or showing agreeable personal qualities (friendly)

AMBH/AMBI: both, more than one, around
Ambiguous- open to various interpretations (suspicious, dubious, fishy, equivocal, uncertain)
Amphibian- lives in both water and land a
Ambidextrous- able to use both hands

Learn how to deal with etymology and you will feel comfortable with words you will use. You will be able to figure out thousands of words even if you never heard or read about them. That’s why the best approach to the new words is learning etymology.

ANTE: Before
Anterior- placed before
Antecedent- going before
Antedate- precede in time
Antebellum-before the war (especially the American civil war)
Antediluvian- belonging to the period before the biblical period; very old

ANTHRO/ANDR: man, human
Anthropology- the science that deals with origins of mankind
Android-robot or mechanical man
Misanthrope-one who hates humans or mankind
Philanderer- one who carries on flirtations
Androgynous- being both male and female
Androgen-any substances that promotes masculine characters
Anthropocentric- regarding man as the central fact of the universe

ANTI: against
Antibody- a protein naturally existing in blood serum that reacts to overcome the toxic effects of an antigen
Antidote-a remedy for counteracting the effects of poison, disease, etcetera
Antiseptic-free from germs
Antipathy – aversion
Antipodal-on the opposite side of the globe

AUTO: self
Automatic- self moving or self-acting  
Autocrat- an absolute ruler
Autonomy- independent

BEL: war
Antebellum- before the war
Rebel- a person who resists authority, control, or tradition belligerent: warlike, given to waging war

BEN/BON: good
Benefit- anything advantageous to a person or thing
Benign- having a kindly disposition
Benediction- an act of uttering a blessing
Benevolent- desiring to do well to others
Bonus- something given extra over and above what is due
Bona fide- in good faith; without fraud

BI: twice, double
Binoculars- involving two eyes
Biennial- happening every two yeas
Bilateral- pertaining to or affecting two or both sides
Bilingual- able to speak one’s language and another with equal facility
Bipartisan- representing two parties

CED/CEED/CESS: to go; to yield, to stop
Concede- to acknowledge as true, just or proper; admit
Predecessor- one who comes before another in an office, position etc
Cessation- a temporary or complete discontinuance
Incessant- without stop

CHRON: time
Synchronize- to occur at the same time or agree in time
Chronology- the sequential order in which past events occurred
Anachronism- an absolute or archaic form
Chronic- constant, habitual
Chronometer- a time piece with a mechanism to adjust for accuracy

CIRCU: around on all sides
Circumference- the outer boundary of a circular area
Circumstances- the existing conditions or state of affairs surrounding and affecting an agent
Circuit- the act of going or moving around
Circumambulate- to walk about or around
Circuitous- roundabout, indirect


CIS: to cut
Scissors- cutting instrument for paper
Precise- definitely stated or defined
Exorcise- to seek to expel an evil spirit by a ceremony (driving out evil spirit)
Incision- a cut, gash or notch
Incisive- penetrating, cutting (intelligently analytical and clear thinking), sharp or vivid

 DEM: people
Democracy- government by the people
Epidemic- affecting at the same time a large number of people, and spreading from person to person
Endemic- local or ethnic
Pandemic- general, universal
Demographics- vital and social statistics of populations

FORE: before
Foresight- care or provision for future
Foreshadow- be a warning or indication of (a future event)
Forestall- to prevent by advance action
Forthright- straightforward, outspoken, decisive

GEN: birth, creation, race, kind
Generous- giving or given freely
Genetics- to study of heredity and variation among animals and plants
Gender- classification roughly corresponding to the two sexes
Carcinogenic- producing cancer
Congenital- inborn, inherent, present from birth (e.g. - a congenital malformation of heart)
Progeny- offspring, descendant, child or seed or clan
Miscegenation- interbreeding of races

HETERO: different
Heterosexual- of or pertaining to the sexual orientation toward members of the opposite sex; relating to different sexes
Heterogeneous- of other origins; not originating in the body
Heterodox – different from the acknowledged standard: holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines
(Not conforming with the orthodox beliefs)

HYPO: under, beneath, less than
Hypodermic- relating to the parts beneath the skin
Hypochondriac- one affected by extreme depression of mind or spirit often cantered on imaginary physical ailments
Hypocritical- affecting virtues or quantities one does not have
Hypothesis- assumption subject to proof

IDIO: one’s own
Idiot- an utterly stupid person
Idiom- a language, a dialect or style of speaking particularly to a people
Idiosyncrasy- the peculiarity of temperament; eccentricity

LOC/LOG/LOQU- word, speech
Dialogue: conversation, especially in a literary work elocution; the art of clear and expressive speaking
Prologue: an introducer to the poem, play etc.
 Eulogy- speech or writing in praise of someone (especially for someone who is dead)
Colloquial- an ordinary or familiar conversation (usual, formal)
Grandiloquent- pompous or inflated in language (of great importance)
Loquacious- talkative

Magnify- to increase the apparent size of
Magnitude- the greatness of size, extent, or dimensions
Maximum- the height amount, value, or degree attained
Magnate- a powerful or influential person
Magnanimous- generous in forgiving an insult or injury (generous or liberal) (ben- mahanuvob)
Maxim- an expression of general truth or principle (ethics, morals, parole, gnome)

MAL/MALE: bad, ill, evil, wrong
Malfunction- failure to function properly
Malicious- full of or showing malice (envious, averse, bitter, intended to do harm)
Malign-deadly, fatal, lethal
Malady- a disorder or disease of the body
Maladroit- clumsy, tactless (inefficient or awkward)
Malapropism- humorous misuse of a word
Malfeasance- misconduct or wrongdoing often committed by a public official
Malediction- a curse

OMNI: all
Omnibus- an anthology of the works of one author or of writings on related subjects
Omnipresent- everywhere at one time
Omnipotent- all powerful
Omniscient- having infinite knowledge

PAN: all, everyone
Panorama- an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area
Panegyric- formal or elaborate praise at an assembly (eulogy)
Panoply- a wide-ranging and impressive array or display
Pantheon- a public building containing tombs or memorials of the illustrious dead of a nation
Pandemic- widespread, general, universal

PERI: around
Perimeter- the border or outer boundary of a two-dimensional figure
Periscope- an optical instrument for seeing objects in an obstructed field of vision
Peripatetic- walking or travelling about; itinerant, traveler

PHIL: love
Philosophy- the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct
Philatelist-one who loves or collects postage stamps
Philology- the study of literacy texts to establish their authenticity and determine their meaning (etymology or linguistics)
Bibliophile- one who loves or collects books

Atheist- one who not believe in a deity or divine system
Theocracy- a form of government in which a deity is recognized as the supreme ruler
Theology- the study of divine things and the divine faith

VOR: To eat
Voracious- having a great appetite
Carnivorous- meat-eating
Omnivorous- eating or absorbing everything




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