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Learn how to deal with etymology and you will feel comfortable with words you will use. You will be able to figure out thousands of words even if you never heard or read about them. That’s why the best approach to the new words is learning etymology.

ANTE: Before
Anterior- placed before
Antecedent- going before
Antedate- precede in time
Antebellum-before the war (especially the American civil war)
Antediluvian- belonging to the period before the biblical period; very old

ANTHRO/ANDR: man, human
Anthropology- the science that deals with origins of mankind
Android-robot or mechanical man
Misanthrope-one who hates humans or mankind
Philanderer- one who carries on flirtations
Androgynous- being both male and female
Androgen-any substances that promotes masculine characters
Anthropocentric- regarding man as the central fact of the universe

ANTI: against
Antibody- a protein naturally existing in blood serum that reacts to overcome the toxic effects of an antigen
Antidote-a remedy for counteracting the effects of poison, disease, etcetera
Antiseptic-free from germs
Antipathy – aversion
Antipodal-on the opposite side of the globe

AUTO: self
Automatic- self moving or self-acting  
Autocrat- an absolute ruler
Autonomy- independent

BEL: war
Antebellum- before the war
Rebel- a person who resists authority, control, or tradition belligerent: warlike, given to waging war

BEN/BON: good
Benefit- anything advantageous to a person or thing
Benign- having a kindly disposition
Benediction- an act of uttering a blessing
Benevolent- desiring to do well to others
Bonus- something given extra over and above what is due
Bona fide- in good faith; without fraud

BI: twice, double
Binoculars- involving two eyes
Biennial- happening every two yeas
Bilateral- pertaining to or affecting two or both sides
Bilingual- able to speak one’s language and another with equal facility
Bipartisan- representing two parties

CED/CEED/CESS: to go; to yield, to stop
Concede- to acknowledge as true, just or proper; admit
Predecessor- one who comes before another in an office, position etc
Cessation- a temporary or complete discontinuance
Incessant- without stop

CHRON: time
Synchronize- to occur at the same time or agree in time
Chronology- the sequential order in which past events occurred
Anachronism- an absolute or archaic form
Chronic- constant, habitual
Chronometer- a time piece with a mechanism to adjust for accuracy

CIRCU: around on all sides
Circumference- the outer boundary of a circular area
Circumstances- the existing conditions or state of affairs surrounding and affecting an agent
Circuit- the act of going or moving around
Circumambulate- to walk about or around
Circuitous- roundabout, indirect

credit- sscadda

part 1


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